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The Problem With Carbon Footprint

Call it global warming, climate change or any other name, this is an issue that has been getting worse lately and most scientists are worried that the future won’t be so bright if we don’t deal with this in a wise, effective way.

Basically, a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) -among others like nitrous oxide and methane- has this behavior of forming a kind of roof up high in the sky, and this roof prevents heat generated by us to dispel, hence, the rise of temperatures around the world – global warming. We now know the dangerous consequences: melting of the poles, floods, hurricanes, megastorms among others. 

In your daily life and also when traveling, you too can help reducing the carbon footprint which contributes to global warming. We are going to share 7 tips for reducing this carbon footprint on your adventure trip to Peru.

The Tips for Reducing Carbon Footprint

  1. Minimize flights and transportation: by far, carbon emissions from airplanes and land motor vehicles are major contributors to global warming and carbon footprint. When flying to your adventure trip in Peru, try to do it with the minimum number of flights. Also, minimize use of taxis, trains and buses. On an adventure trip here in Peru, such as the Classic 4-Day Inca Trail, we have a carefully designed itinerary in order to really minimize carbon footprint generation.
  2. Quit using disposable plastic: one-use plastic items, besides polluting lands, rivers and oceans, they also require to be replaced with new plastic industrially made, which contributes to the carbon footprint… switch altogether to reusable plastic: you wash it and you’re ready to go again. This applies to items like bottles, dishes, cups, straws, cutlery and so on, which you’ll need on an adventure trip. 
  3. Protect natural water sources: if you have an adventure trip here in Peru, like the amazing 5-Day Salkantay Trek, you will hike along beautiful rivers and lakes. However, if these waters are contaminated, it takes a lot of electrical energy to treat and clean them, which increases carbon footprint. One of the most valuable tips on an adventure trip is using only biodegradable products when it comes to soaps, shampoos, shave-creams, toothpastes, detergents, cleaners and so on.  
  4. Respect green areas, trees, woods: major flora resources like woods and forests are great absorbers of carbon dioxide while they also are great emitters of oxygen. They make a quite important contribution in fighting climate change and carbon footprint. Thus, we must protect them while on an adventure trip and if possible, making a contribution to reforestation projects. TOUR IN PERU, being an eco-friendly, ecologically-conscious travel operator, has taken part in reforestation initiatives within the Cusco region. We also have minimum carbon footprint policies in all our operations. Why TOUR IN PERU?
  5. Don’t use any kind of heating device: on the Andean heights, temperatures can get really low. However, TOUR IN PERU does not use any kind of electrical or gas heater. Because they use a lot of energy and produce high amounts of heat. Use waterproof, windproof, stuffed clothes for hiking up on the Andean cold paths. We can also rent sleeping bags which are insulated against water and freezing wind. 
  6. Do not bring new electronic equipments: fabrication of electronic devices such as smartphones, photo cameras, filming cameras, laptops, tablets and the likes, requires many things which increase global warming, carbon footprint and ecology issues. For example, use of electricity, toxic chemicals, mining pollution, transportation emissions and others. So, it’s good for the environment bringing electronic items already bought and in use.
  7. Digitalize the most information possible: humankind has been using paper for centuries and now it’s time for a change. Because production of paper has wood as a major source and this wood comes from trees. With the spectacular rise of technology, so many things you need to bring to an adventure trip, if not all, can be digitalized: maps, trekking guides, books, journals, all sorts of lists and actually all kinds of information. Remember trees are major absorbers of carbon dioxide, the main villain of global warming.

So, if you’re tired of lockdowns and are ecologically responsible, we hope these tips for reducing carbon footprint on an adventure trip will do! Contact our travel professionals and come explore Cusco Andean heights!

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