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Caught in Peru

When you have a modern wonder of the world like Machu Picchu, it’s a given that you’re going to have to share the space with others. Resigning oneself to the possibility of large crowds of people beaming with wonder and excitement, well, it comes with the territory.

But every once in a while, the stars and the planets align just right and the impossible happens. Just ask Jesse Katayama, a 26-year-old man from Japan.

Not content to sit in one place too long, Jesse was on a trip around the world, and his last stop was going to be the ancient Inca citadel, Machu Picchu. He must have landed in Peru just as lockdowns were initiated worldwide because there he was stranded as tourism was brought to a screeching halt. He was caught in the process of learning how boxing is done worldwide so that he could decide how to best teach others how to box. In the process, he became boxed in on his journey. 

He didn’t just sit around and wait. He became proactive and spent his downtime in yoga classes and teaching boxing to children and even furthering his career by studying for fitness and sports nutrition certifications. This hasn’t been a passing hobby for him. He has taught boxing in Kenya, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, and Australia.

But He Couldn’t Leave Without Seeing the Citadel

He wasn’t completely without options regarding his mobility. He had a few opportunities to return home to Japan. But not only did those avenues turn out to be pricey, he would also be going home without visiting one of the wonders of the modern world. 

So he decided to continue to pass the time in Peru and wait to see if Machu Picchu would eventually reopen. Well, we’re happy to say that his vigilance was rewarded. It wasn’t so much that Machu Picchu reopened, but it was reopened just for him. Locals created a petition on his behalf so that he would be able to see the citadel after hanging back so long and so far from home.

The authorities heard the voice of the people, and they graced Jesse with the singular honor of entering Machu Picchu with nobody else around except the faculty that guard and maintain the site.

“I stayed with the sole purpose of getting to know this wonder and I didn’t want to leave without doing so,” he said.

How Will Your Machu Picchu Adventure Go?

The gears of the tourism machine are turning once again, and Machu Picchu is open for visits with some restrictions, but not many. 

TOUR IN PERU cannot promise to get you into the citadel at a time when there’s nobody else around, but they certainly can set you up with a variety of options to make your visit to Peru and to the ancient Inca fortress a memorable one.

Don’t forget that Machu Picchu is part of a bigger journey through Peru. The restless tourist has a variety of locations to choose from regarding food and lodging. Plus too there are several different ways to get to Machu Picchu.

There’s the world-renowned hike up the Inca Trail. There’s also the Salkantay hike. There are other paths as well. Even if you choose to reach your destination by train, you’re not confined to a rail, so-to-speak, in your Peruvian adventure.

TOUR IN PERU is a licensed tour operator that can take care of the tedious bits that would otherwise keep you awake and preoccupied. Now that the world is opening back up and Machu Picchu is back on the menu, give them a call so that your trip to the citadel goes from being “someday” to “today!”

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