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The 2019 ticketing season for the Inca Trail has begun! We warn hikers to start reservation procedures at the earliest. Now if you are going to travel alone, it’s ok, we can add you to a group. Read next our best recommendations for the lone trekker.

Lone Traveler Guide for a 2019 Trek

Get ready for The Inca Trail with our recommendations

Get ready for The Inca Trail with our recommendations

1. Congratulations if you have already decided to do one of the fantastic Inca Trails to the spectacular Machu Picchu citadel! It is indeed one of the most praised hikes around the world. However, you can get still more of your trip to Peru, because we have a wonderful set of packages for premium destinations near the Cusco region: we offer tours in Cusco City and region, classic programs to Machu Picchu and also tours to the heavenly Titicaca Lake area. Check the links and talk to our staff for complete information! TOUR IN PERU is a fully certified, leading travel agency in Cusco, with more than 9 years of excellence.

2. About lodging, accommodations, Cusco and Peru have a quite complete range of possibilities. Actually, when making a reservation with us, our staff can arrange for you to stay at whatever kind of place you want, from economical ones to 5-star major hotel chains. There is a perfect place for every lone traveler.

3. For a wilderness adventure like the Inca Trail in 2019, it is certainly important to properly fill the backpack. You’ll do alright by following our insider recommendations as explained in our 4-day trek packing list article. Also, know more about the fantastic mountains and snowies in Cusco.

4. Also, in order to help you getting everything ready as soon as possible, it’s good to check the traveling requirements for entering Peru. This process may take a few time so it’s advisable to start addressing it too.

5. More recommendations for your getting-ready stage: as the Inca Trail will reach heights of 13,800 feet (4,200 meters), it is key preparing to manage altitude sickness. Of course the necessary prior stay in Cusco City will help in a major way for the body to adapt to thin air (oxygen-scarce) but we have a very good guide of altitude sickness. Naturally, there are pauses to rest on the trek and everybody hikes on an relaxed, calm pace.

6. The Inca Trail is an adventure across the Andean-Amazonian wilderness, so you’d like to know about weather conditions. From November to late March is rain season, there are brief pourings a few times along the week, but also is the season with less hikers and great reduced prices almost everywhere. High season is from April until late October, no or very little rain, no need to worry at all with it. The lone hiker can find more in great detail about the best season for doing this amazing trek.

7. About going around alone within the Cusco region:

San Pedro - Cusco City

Recommendations about going around Cusco

  • The first of our recommendations is always play safe, people in Cusco have much respect for tourists but unfortunately not everyone. So don’t trust everybody and think twice about anything which comes too easy or too cheap

  • Whenever lone and in doubt, always ask a police officer, district guard or any security personnel you spot around. Do not trust passersby and especially street vendors, they most likely will try to hustle you in order to get money, it happens everywhere

  • If you are traveling alone and want to socialize with other visitors and locals, our professional staff can surely recommend good, safe places like restaurants and more

  • Finally, always check Peruvian bills and coins. Regarding to the former, ask us about counterfeit markers and don’t take coins which are too worn-out for even local people and stores won’t take them. In relation to U.S. dollars, bills have to be in very good conditions, otherwise they won’t be accepted around here. The same applies actually to all foreign currencies.

We’re sure these recommendations for the lone Inca Trail 2019 traveler will be quite valuable! The last one is don’t forget to start booking months in advance, permits are limited.

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