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TOUR IN PERU is a travel agency that neither discriminates women in any way nor allows any kind of violence against females. Now we’re applying to obtain the Safe Company Certification from our Women and Vulnerable Populations Department.  

One More Quality Certification for TOUR IN PERU!

Besides being a fully authorized tourism company, which is a guarantee for all our clients, we also follow a policy of constant improvement. This policy includes significant betterment of our concepts and activities in order to obtain both national and international quality labels, for they are concrete evidence of our top-level traveling services.

Thus, recently we have obtained, among others, the following recognitions:

The Safe Company Certification is granted by the Peruvian Women and Vulnerable Populations Department, to companies which have ensured no violence and discrimination against women, in all their areas and operations.

TOUR IN PERU will go through a long period of evaluations until next October, in which expert supervisors will check if our company meets all the required criteria, the entirety of them aimed at giving female personnel completely violence-free, non-discriminatory working conditions. We are sure we’ll be sharing with our clients the news about the awards ceremony, scheduled for early November! This Safe Company Certification will be reissued every two years, upon approval.

TOUR IN PERU’S CSR and Sustainability

Our company operates in accordance with the current needs for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and sustainable tourism. On this note, part of our CSR is giving all our employees proper working conditions, so we made sure, among other things, to create a working environment where discrimination or violence against women are simply not allowed. Likewise, we have reached out to our region and destinations to create awareness and implement tangible measures regarding the protection of women  from discrimination and abuse.

Finally, the entire system of CSR and Sustainability encompasses client satisfaction, protection of the environment, personnel’s well-being, improving the economy of our destinations, among other very important measures. For more information, you can check our Guidelines of Good Practices for Tourists.

Having a Safe Company Certification will certainly be another major achievement for TOUR IN PERU. We strive to give our clients the best services all the way, and at the same time, being a social and environmental conscious travel agency.      



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