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Did you have to delay or cancel your arrangements to hike the full Inca Trail? Well TOUR IN PERU has good news. The entire classic trail is reopening! Permits are available starting June 25, 2021, and hiking can begin July 15th. Finally!

The Key Changes

Reduced Group Sizes

Groups, and thus crowds, will be much smaller. Groups are now kept to a size of 7 guests max with 1 guide, and a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 15 porters.

This is actually good news. You and your friends will get to see the busiest, most popular trail with much less crowding than usual.

Actually at TOUR IN PERU, our groups tend to be much smaller and much more personalized; let’s say they’re all according to your needs.

50% Fewer Permits Available

So far, only half of the usual number of permits are available for purchase for 2021. For travelers, that means that the sooner you can book your trip to Peru and get your affairs in order, the better.

Everyone Is Invited!

Do you know anyone that would like to enjoy the full splendor of The Classic Inca Trail with less crowding? Friends? Relatives? Get them involved, because there’s an adventure to be had!

But there are also some questions to answer.

Highest place on the Inca trail route

Inca Trail Reopening FAQ

Do I need to quarantine when I enter Peru?

You will not need to quarantine. You will, however, need to bring a negative COVID test that was taken within 72 hours of flying to Peru.

Do I need a COVID test to enter Peru? How about proof of a COVID vaccine?

Yes, you need proof of a negative COVID test. But you don’t need proof of the COVID vaccine. Neither are you required to have taken the vaccine.

I need to reschedule my hike on the Inca Trail. Can I include friends that were not previously booked?

Yes, you can. This is the perfect window for your friends and loved ones to join you on your adventure to Peru. All that’s needed is that they complete the necessary forms and pay their deposit.

I won’t be able to hike in 2021. How long will my deposit be honored?

Your deposit will be guaranteed until 2023; just keep in touch with our travel designers for more information.

Will I have to share a tent with a stranger if I am hiking alone?

A single tent will be available for some additional cost, so no. However, please arrange it in advance with our experienced travel designers.

I have received a new passport. Is it too late to change the number?

Not at all. This is actually the perfect chance to get everything updated. Let us know immediately if you have your new passport number. If you’re still waiting on your new passport, you can use your current passport to book, then send us a copy of your new and old passport information as soon as you get it. If you don’t have a passport at the time of booking, you can book with your driver’s license. Then send us a copy of your driver’s license and your new passport information.

I need to re-book a group of 4. Would it be possible for 2 of us to hike this year and 2 to re-book in 2022?

Yes, no problem at all.

Will I be required to wear a mask for the entire duration of the hike?

Technically yes, but there are plenty of opportunities to take your mask off and breathe the fresh mountain air, such as when you’re hiking alone, so there’s room to relax. For everybody’s safety, we do ask that you keep your mask on at all campsites and when close to one another.

Do I need to re-confirm my start date?
Yes, for the sake of securing your arrangements, please confirm with our team to make sure all of our information is current.
Highest place on the Inca trail route

As the world continues to get out from under the long shadow of the pandemic, regulations will relax even more. But you can still get a head start on enjoying freedom by booking a trip with TOUR IN PERU. Safe travels!

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