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Available Spaces for the Inca Trail in JUNE 2024

The Inca Trail which gets to Machu Picchu, one of the Modern Wonders of the World, is one of the most famous and busiest treks in the World, 26 miles (43 km) combines stunning mountain scenery, subtropical jungle, cloud forest, and of course the variety of Inca paving stones, ruins and tunnels. The final destination of the trail is Machu Picchu ‘’Lost City of Incas’’. We believe it can be a challenge to prepare yourself properly and get all necessary information for the Inca Trail. Along with the number of available spaces left for the Inca Trail in June 2024, we will try to provide the information which will help you get ready for the trek in this month.

AVAILABILITY for Inca Trail in June 2024

The Availability for Inka Trail in June can change by any day, it is important for you to know that making the booking as soon as possible while there any availability is advisable. You can check AVAILABILITY now and proceed your booking. If there is no available date for your trek on a day you are requesting, have a look for other trips we can offer to you.

The Inca Trail permits are officialy released yet for 2024 season since October 2023. However, as the permits for the first months of the season are quickly sold, you can pre book them in our contact form. You can also check avaiability for other months in the following table:

On the top part of our page, you can click on one of the Inca Trail or Machu Picchu tours to see the itineraries. It is also possible to personalize the itinerary to your liking.

Live local culture with celebrations in June 2024

June is getting busy not only with the tourist from all over the World, but also with rich celebrations during the month, which brings locals and tourists together.

  • “Lord of Torrechayoq” June 3rd in province of Urubamba. The origins of this festivity date from 1867. Locals made a huge cross and put it on the snow. They celebrated a mass to inaugurate one part of the road.
  • “Corpus Cristi” June 11th – there are 14 images from 14 chapels or churches of Cusco, and the religious festivity celebrated in the Main Square of Cusco.  
  • “Festival of OllantayRaymi” on first fortnight of June in Ollantaytambo. Dramatization of the Ollantay drama, dances and typical dishes.
  • Relative festivity in the Wiraqocha on 23rd June, temple of the Inca of the town of Raqchi, the district of San Pedro province of Canchis.
  • “Inti Raymi” June 24th – Dramatization of an ancient rite representing the peaceful relation between the man and the cosmic manifestations mainly with the Sun.
  • “Festivity of San Pedro and San Pablo” June 29th.

Get ready for the weather in June 2024

  • The weather along the Inca Trail splits into two main yearly seasons. The dry – winter season starts from April through to October, and wet – summer season from November through to March.
  • The month of June is characterized by essentially constant daily high temperatures, with daily high between 19°- 22°C or dropping below 16°C.
  • Throughout June, the most common forms of precipitation are light rain, drizzle, and moderate rain.

Experts’ packing list for Inca Trail in June 2024

While the Inka Trail is one of the most popular treks in the World, it can be surprisingly hard to find solid information about Inka Trail preparation and packing tips to help you to prepare yourself for the trek. If you are wondering already about what is included in a packing list for Inka Trail, like things you really need and will be definitely in use, and things may just waste space in your back and make your Inka Trail more difficult. We carefully prepared a PACKING LIST for your trek to help you get ready for the Inka Trail In June or in any other month you may travel in 2024.

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