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Available Spaces for the Inca Trail in MAY 2024

The Inca Trail is the most famous hike in the World, and a must-do, life-changing experience. Hiking the Inca Trail through The Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu is both tiring and breathtaking. Few days of cold, exhaustion and pain disperse as the mist lifts to reveal the bright green peaks and terraced ruins of the mystical ancient “Lost City”. We believe it can be a challenge to prepare yourself properly and get all necessary information for the Inca Trail. Along with the number of available spaces left for the Inca Trail in May 2024, we will try to provide the information which will help you get ready for the trek in this month.

AVAILABILITY for Inca Trail in May 2024

Hiking the Inca Trail is popular all year round, except in February when it is closed, however May is considered as a beginning for the high season which ends in September. This means that permits to attend Inca Trail in May 2024 can be sold out months in advance. It is important for you to know that making the booking as soon as possible while there are availabilities is advisable. You can check AVAILABILITY for any month of the year such as in May 2024 and ensure your booking. If there is no availability on the day you are requesting, have a look for the trips and treks which still take you to Machu Picchu.

The Inca Trail permits are officialy released for 2024 season since October 2023. However, as the permits for the first months of the season are quickly sold, you can pre book them in our contact form. You can also check avaiability for other months in the following table:

On the top part of our page, you can click on one of the Inca Trail or Machu Picchu tours to see the itineraries. It is also possible to personalize the itinerary to your liking.

Get ready for weather in May 2024

  • The weather along the Inca Trail splits into two main yearly seasons.  The dry – winter season starts from April through to September, and wet – summer season from October through to March.
  • May – daily temperature throughout the month goes between 20°C – exceeding 22°C and may drop below 17°C.
  • Daily low temperatures at nights may drop below from 3°C to 5°C.
  • Throughout May, the most common forms of precipitation are light rain, drizzle, moderate rain, and thunderstorms.

Live the local culture with celebrations in May 2024

  • May starts with one week celebration called Festivity of the “Lord of Qoyllurit’i” which last whole week with many different processions, dances, music bands, fireworks and the symbolic market of the Alacitas (fair of tiny handicrafts). This festivity join two traditions: the Andean and the catholic tradition as they celebrate that the image of Christ appeared on a solid rock at 4750 m.a.s.l and at the same time they celebrate the worship to the Apus Ocongate.
  • “Folkloric festival” May 8th in QheswaChaca in the Cannon of Apurimac.
  • “Festival of Artisans” May 21st in Raqchi.
  • “Jubilee week of Cusco” May 23rd – great parade of all the institutes comprising the society of Cusco. The importance is to show their most beautiful typical costumes, dances and choreographic performances. This festivity lasts two days and ends with fireworks and serenades to the city.

Experts’ packing list for Inca trail in May 2024

While the Inka Trail is one of the most popular treks in the World, it can be surprisingly hard to find solid information about Inka Trail preparation and packing tips to help you to prepare yourself for the trek. If you are wondering already about what is included in a packing list for Inka Trail, like things you really need and will be definitely in use, and things may just waste space in your back and make your Inka Trail more difficult. We carefully prepared a PACKING LIST for your trek to help you get ready for the Inka Trail In May or in any other month you may travel in 2024.

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