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Be one of the explorers to the Lost City of the Incas

Climb 3,000 steps to take a close look at Peru’s lost city of MachuPicchu. Explore an ancient, fascinating Incan fortress city. MachuPicchu is located high in the Peruvian Andes, near Cuzco, overlooking the Urubamba River. The city was built sometime before 1500 by the Incas and is still revered as a sacred site. MachuPicchu is visited by thousands of people each year who admire its beauty and location. The city was constructed of blocks of cut stone. You are invited to explore the ruins of MachuPicchu and the Inca people to find out why MachuPicchu is called “The Lost City of the Incas. After reading this article take a look at Our Tours link to have an idea about our travel packages.

Explorers in the Lost City of the Incas – Machupicchu – Bingham

It’s remarkable that MachuPicchu was first brought to the attention of the world in 1911. The Spanish invaders at the time of the Conquest and during certuries of colonial rule, never discovered the Lost City of the Incas, and nobody ever led them there, suggesting that the site had long since been abondoned and forgotten.

In the nineteenth century explorers like Eugenie de Sartiges, George Ephraim Squire, Antonio Raimondi and Castelnau never reached MachuPicchu, although most of them crossed the Andes exploring to the almost inaccessible ruins of Choquekirau, built high above the Apurimac river. In fact, the outside world simply stumbled upon The Lost City of the Incas – MachuPicchu, for it had never been lost to those who lived around it. Those same people eventually led the American explorer, Hiram Bingham, and his team to the site in 1911. Hiram Bingham, now world-famous as the discoverer of MachuPicchu, did not initially travel to South America to explore the land of the Incas. In fact, the Hawaiian-born Yale and Harvard educated historian first journeyed south from the United States to complete his study of the great nineteenth century liberator, Simon Bolivar.

In December 1908, Bingham attended the First Panamerican Scientific Congress in Santiago, Chile. It was there that he decided to follow the old Spanish trade route from Buenos Aires to Lima, and it was to that end that he traveled to Lima and hence to Cusco and eventually to The Lost City of the Incas.

In Cusco Bingham made the acquaintance of one J.J. Nunez, then prefect of the Apurimac region, who invited him on the arduous trip to the ruins of Choquekirau, thought at the time to be the site of Vilcabamba, the much sought (last resting place of the Incas) The lost City of the Incas – MachuPicchu. Bingham would later return on an expedition to Peru from the US.

Enjoy learning about the great variety of tourist destinations of Peru and start dreaming about your next vacations in Machupicchu.

Machu Picchu, the best recipe for the perfect holiday! – Book/make reservations for your tours in Peru, now!

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