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PLASTIC BAN in PERU – Reusable items for MACHU PICCHU and most places

Most touristic destinations in our country, including Machu Picchu, now have to comply with new State regulations regarding a plastic ban in Peru. Here we tell you everything about the measures! They prevent dangerous environmental pollution.

New Guide for Use of Plastic in Peru

According to our country’s Environment Department Executive Order 013-2018-MINAM, and Act 30884 (Peruvian Congress), starting December 2018, access to all archaeological sites and protected natural areas for people carrying disposable plastic items is forbidden. There are some exceptions for valid reasons (health issues, snack packages).   

This is a policy which aims at preventing ecological hazards and ensure environmental-touristic sustainability. The new regulations apply to the Machu Picchu citadel and all other destinations covered by the government order. Also, it strongly encourages reusable plastic in hotels, cities and at home.

The disposable plastic ban in Peru covers all items of this kind, because they are not biodegradable and therefore, will inevitably become dangerous, long-lasting environmental waste, contrary to our government’s commitment to preservation of nature and tour destinations. TOUR IN PERU certainly supports all kinds of prevention of ecological pollution.

Objects under this prohibition are every type of kitchenware (glasses, plates, forks, straws, etc), bottles, polystyrene foam containers, bags and similars. From December 2018, only reusable or biodegradable plastic items and holders will be allowed in the Inca sanctuary and all destinations included in the new Executive Order 013-2018-MINAM. For instance: biodegradable plastic bags, paper or metal straws, reusable kitchen and dinnerware, eco-friendly containers (instead of polystyrene). Know these new products with more detail reading our article about eco-friendly items

TOUR IN PERU is an ecology-friendly travel agency and, for example, we support effective waste management on the Inca Trail every year. We’re surely adhering to this plastic ban policy, in all our services and also for customers. More information can be found in the traveler’s Code of Conduct, which includes proper behavior for protection of nature.

Plastic Ban in Peru Scope: Machu Picchu and More

These regulations enacted by the Environment Department cover most of the touristic offer, the goal being to significantly reduce this dangerous waste in our country.

On this note, State museums throughout Peru are also included. Likewise, every destination declared as Cultural Heritage: Nazca lines, Cusco City and the Machu Picchu complex itself, among others.

It is very important to also mention the interdiction especially applies to places categorized as Protected Natural Areas, for example Lake Titicaca, Tambopata Wildlife Reserve and Manu National Park plus others listed by our national agency in charge (SERNANP).

The disposable plastic ban in Peru, for Machu Picchu, also most of our travel destinations and touristic attractions, will surely have a positive effect on the ecology! It will contribute to keep them all in very good environmental conditions for our visitors!

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